Friday, 8 February 2008

Obama - Yes we can

Check the above link out, its very impressive, I had been forgetting why Obama had been so powerful and impressive due to Hilary's recent engaging speeches, if I was voting in the Primary I would be very very torn at this stage! Jigna


Anonymous said...

oh my god. bloody hell that was BRILLIANT. defo one for the great speeches in history book. excellent.

in many ways i am so jealous that Americans can have so much faith in their political leaders and believe in change - in no small part is that down the the strength of their WRITTEN constitutions and more transparent and representatives systems of representation.......

gonna listen to it again........

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, but think hanging chads and that whole fiasco? And American politics has many issues, the lobbyists and money has sooooo much power, WW taught me that! But then we have Red Ken, how is the whole London Mayor election going?

Jigna said...
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Jigna said...

Link to John he is video, funny and the comments are even funnier. Jigna

Anonymous said...

transcript of the obama speech. it really is very good.

i wonder how he works - he clearly had involvement in it, does he take ideas and ad lib? does he have a speechwriter who is brilliant?!