Last weekend we gave the supremely wonderful woman, our mother Surekha Vyas a very belated birthday present. She began the fun filled weekend on Friday night with a glass of gold champagne on arrival in st pancras. This was swiftly followed by a lovely picnic for me S and mum watching the weird and wonderful fous de basin . The next morning the sun was shining brightly, Roopa arrived early and off we went. The tomcat wasn’t very well so we took S’s car and went from London to kent to sussex to kent to sussex….and ended up at Carr Taylor vineyard in east sussex. We were taken on a tour of the vineryard, learnt lots about wine and then (our favourite bit) some wine tasting!! The wine was lovely, and it was interesting to talk about the different tastes (we didn’t all enjoy the same ones at all, but the one we all agreed one and I think we would all recommend is the carr taylor brut - third one down. Its crisp and quite dry with a very slight fruity finish. Yummy). We then had a lovely big ploughman’s lunch and went on to do some art. The artist Katie Sollhub was great, and she took us through some different techniques which we all enjoyed trying out.
We purchased lots of wine (naturally- Vyas’s on tour etc etc) went to our hotel drank a bottle then ended the day with a wander round winchelsea (pretty but dull - see pictiure) and a big dinner.

The next was it was ridiculously sunny again, woke early and went to Rye – but the weather so gorgeous we ended up in Camber – golden sands and sunshine.
All in all a fantastic weekend (with thanks to Ben, Georgie, Katie and all those at Carr Taylor who helped make Saturday fab)
Roops – add some photos to this post?!
That fous de basin, looks amazing wow! What a great weekend! So gutted that I was not there.
I love the art work and the wine sounds amazing, and what great weather too!
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