I heard about the "Mooncup" years ago, and then again recently when Roopa tried it out and said that she would never look back, I finally joined her and I couldn't agree with her more.
What is the Mooncup:
"The Mooncup® is the original silicone menstrual cup designed by women to be a convenient, safe and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and sanitary pads. .........the Mooncup offers an end to the waste, discomfort and expense of disposable sanitary protection."
Here are the benefits to the Mooncup:
- Environmentally friendly - no waste
- Many women suffer from fewer or less intense cramps (I can confirm this one)
- Cheaper then buying sanitary products every month
- Safe
The slight discomfort in "learning" how to use the Mooncup is a lot less then anticipated and you quickly figure out how to use it, with the result that you very soon forget that it is there. Cleaning is relatively easy, even when out and about. I mean lugging around sanitary products can be just as inconvenient and we all are used to that! I thought I would be a little "icked out" when I first took it out and with cleaning it, but I am really not, it is very natural and enlightening.
Try it, I dare you, you will never look back. Jigna
i couldnt agree more!! its wicked, its so liberating not carrying stuff around all the time. its a little tricksy at work, but so worth it.
i was in the park with some friends and a friend had never heard of it, i had but never really thought about it and the other friend had said she hadnt bought sanitary stuff for 5 years! i thought thats got to be an amazing relief!
so we tried it and it does take a little getting used to be is amazing!
I love my mooncup too....I was with Roopa in the park that day, and ordered a mooncup on my phone as we chatted about it.....they are great, I agree with Roops at work it can be tricky.....is it worth having two, one to wash one to wear!??.....try it. kezra
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