Friday 24 July 2009

Film Review

A few weeks ago W. (apparently he is trying to reclaim the initial - we will need to keep this under review as to how that is working out for him!) and I went to watch a really lovely "indie film", "Away We Go". It was a rough weekend, I had just been involved in a relatively minor and injury free car accident (my first and hopefully last car accident), the week before and so I was feeling anxious and low. We met some great friends and went off to see the movie, it was exactly what I think we needed, or well what I needed, anyway. We all loved the film. In the style of, "Little Miss Sunshine" a similar sense of humor, wit, life affirming "warm fuzziness" without the saccharine sentimentality shoved down your throat. The concepts, of home and family were investigated and portrayed in a sensitive and funny way. I don't want to give the film away but it's a coming of age/road trip film which is not based on teenagers but grown up's trying to decide how and where to have a family. A story very much based in the present, where so many of us are far away from an "ancestral" or "family" home or homes, if we indeed even have one or more, and often also so far apart from family, friends and loved ones, whether out of choice and/or circumstances. The film looks at how we can try to combine or consolidate all of this to create our own "homes" and "families" and what a "home" or "family' means to us. The story touched upon issues currently running around my own little hamster wheel and maybe that is why I loved it so much. It is a warm and funny film, I would recommend you go watch. Jigna

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