Sunday 6 June 2010

Commuter Gripes

On most weekdays I have some kind of moan about my journey to work. Before I start this moan let me put on record what I already realise. I’m very very fortunate – I live in zone 2, in an area that’s incredibly well served by public transport – within 10 minutes of my flat there are three train stations that with frequent trains that take between 9 and 12 minutes to get to London Bridge. There are another two stations that are about 15-20 minutes walk away. There are also SO many buses that are literally on my doorstep which go all over the place, from Old Street to Paddington. So I do benefit from the great public transport in London and live in a well served area (TFL, Southern and South Eastern).

“What’s the problem?!” I hear you cry. Well that’s just it. I’m English. We do like to moan. And one thing that can really get on your nerves is public transport. So I am introducing a new tag to the blog: commuting. Using this tag I’ll unpack some of my problems and moans. Here's one for starters.

People who get on the train and stand in the doorway whilst others get on behind them.

Why do this? just MOVE DOWN. You do know that you are making it so much harder for everyone else to get on the train don't you? whats the point? this is particularly irritating when I change trains at London Bridge for a Charing Cross train. its always heaving and its such a short journey it makes no sense at all when people get on and just stand there whilst there space behind them and to the left and right down the aisles. It's just so ludicrous. There should be some kind of rule to get these people to move.


Jigna said...

I have a feeling that this tag may be heavily used? Maybe it should be renamed "commute rage"? AND why do those people not move down, maybe we/you could do a straw poll next time and ask? My commute is varied, car, train or bus and usually it's not too bad, may just be the fact that I live close to work and there is just more room in Texas! Unsurprisingly I get the most rage in the car, once I saw a girl eating her cereal as she was driving (not doing a good job of either task!)

Dhara said...

ha ha! i know what you mean re: changing the tag, but what if we say something *good* about commuting?!!

cant believe some of the things people think its ok to do whilst driving though...