Wednesday 30 June 2010

Books 2010 - In Office Hours. by Lucy Kellaway

I became a massive Martin Lukes fan after mum bought me Who moved my blackberry? for my birthday a couple of years ago, and I started following Lucy Kellaway/Martin Lukes much more closely in the Financial Times. So I was really looking forward to her latest offering, In Office Hours which sounded vaguely like it might be a bit like chick lit, but I hoped that some of the Martin Lukes style humour and pisstaking hilariousness might have also seeped through.

I was disappointed. Yes it’s an easy read in a very vaguely interesting way- i.e. because you do want to know what happens at the end you will finish it. But it’s not brilliant and nowhere near half as funny as Martin Lukes escapades.

The way it flits between the two characters ‘Stella’ and ‘Bella’ and the synergies in their lives and office romances, despite their vastly different status at work and the disparity between their class and cultural differences was a bit cheesy. The truth is I didn’t actually care about any of the characters or what happened to them. The thinking woman’s chick lit? Not for me thanks. (note: I only found and read this Guardian review after I’d typed this blog post out, and it’s funny they also refer to it as chick lit).

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