Tuesday 29 July 2008

True love?

On my 30th Birthday, Wooley (amongst other gifts and a great trip to Vegas) bought me some Irish bacon, I had been moaning about how I can not get a decent bacon sandwich in Dallas. I know my vegetarian husband loves me when he bought me some bacon, for my birthday cos he knew it would make me happy. True love.


Claire said...

Now bacon beween two slices of warburtons toastie...

Serioiusly that truly does sound like an act of devoted love. Ahhhhh. warm happy feelings. x

Jigna said...

With a bit of brown sauce and a nice, strong cup of tea....I think I have found my heaven!

Jigna Vyas Gosal, Dhara Vyas & Roopa Vyas said...

Dhara said....

yep - me mum and roops have been repeating this story to everyone. really knowing how that guys feels about meat it truly is love.

He is a good man, that das.