Saturday 9 February 2008


i think ive earned my name, yesterday my school took staff on an activity centre for team building, some people whinged and moaned about going, fifty-something-year-old-fat-women-smokers in particluar but most of us LOVED IT especially me, coming from ninestiles who didnt even have a christmas party let alone anything close to as how fun yesterday was!
i bloody loved it, sore now, but heres how the day went. Got there, wore my joggers everyone hates, and my hoody from dhara the one she stiched 'roopa' over julius, got into year teams (i hardly know the people in mine) and did the first activity. the weather was perfect and i was singing rocky the whole time and made my team sing it when i did the tires. was hilarious. after falling, getting muddy, doing zip line twice (once with a camera on) and traverse wall (climbing horizontally) we made good mates after holding each others bums, screaming words of encouragment, shouting expletives (some might say that was only me).

in the afternoon me and 2 of my friends hosted a workshop on animation in the classroom. was brilliant, then we all went pub (some losers went home to 'change' and came back fresh, but us hardcore army lot were comparing our war wounds) and then went for an 'indian'. i felt like a kid after a BIG DAY in the adventure playground, i was dirty, tired but had a big smile on from all my achievements in the day.


Anonymous said...

That's my girl....
brilliant. well done.

Anonymous said...

Go go Roopa!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely story. I guess this sort of training will come in handy when the zombies attack. When that day comes, I am will you Rocky.